Operations at https://api.erg.ic.ac.uk/AirQuality
This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.
Uri | Method | Description |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName'. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/GroupName={GroupName}/Year={Year} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName' and 'Year. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/GroupName={GroupName}/Year={Year}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName' and 'Year. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId}/Year={Year} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId' and 'Year. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId}/Year={Year}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId' and 'Year. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites for SiteCode and StartDate. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites for SiteCode and StartDate. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Year={Year} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'SiteCode' and 'Year. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringObjective/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Year={Year}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality objectives for monitoring sites filtered by 'SiteCode' and 'Year. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annual/MonitoringReport/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Year={Year} | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality report for monitoring site and Year. Data returned in XML format |
/Annual/MonitoringReport/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Year={Year}/Json | GET | This returns the results of annual air quality report for monitoring site and Year. Data returned in JSON format |
/Annualiser/Calculate/year={year}/site={site}/backA={backA}/backB={backB}/backC={backC}/backD={backD}/species={species}/mean={mean}/Json | GET | This returns the annualisation calculation! |
/Annualiser/Sites/year={year}/species={species}/Json | GET | This returns sites which can be used in an annualisation calculation |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/GroupName={GroupName}/Date={Date} | GET | Returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName' and date. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/GroupName={GroupName}/Date={Date}/Json | GET | Returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName' and date. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | Returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | Returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId} | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId}/Json | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/SiteCode={SiteCode} | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/Latest/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Json | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId}/Date={Date} | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId' and 'Date' e.g. 01 Jan 2012. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/LocalAuthorityId={LocalAuthorityId}/Date={Date}/Json | GET | The returns the latest daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'LocalAuthorityId' and 'Date' e.g. 01 Jan 2012. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Date={Date} | GET | The returns the daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode' and 'Date' e.g. 01 Jan 2012. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Daily/MonitoringIndex/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Date={Date}/Json | GET | The returns the daily air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode' and 'Date' e.g. 01 Jan 2012. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/DiffusionTube/code={code}/montype={montype}/Json | GET | This returns the diffusion tube data for a given code'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/Site/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate} | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in XML format |
/Data/Site/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/Json | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/Site/Wide/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/csv | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in CSV format |
/Data/SiteSpecies/SiteCode={SiteCode}/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate} | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'SpeciesCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in XML format |
/Data/SiteSpecies/SiteCode={SiteCode}/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/csv | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'Species', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/SiteSpecies/SiteCode={SiteCode}/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/Json | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'SpeciesCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/SiteSpecies/SiteCode={SiteCode}/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/Period={Period}/Units={Units}/Step={Step}/Json | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'SpeciesCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Default time period is 'hourly'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/SiteSpeciesIndexDays/SiteCode={SiteCode}/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/Period={Period}/Json | GET | This returns total days at each index level for site and species for a given year'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Data/Traffic/Site/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/Json | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Data returned in JSON format from traffic counters. |
/Data/Wide/Site/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate} | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Data returned in XML format with one entry per datetime (wide format). |
/Data/Wide/Site/SiteCode={SiteCode}/StartDate={StartDate}/EndDate={EndDate}/Json | GET | This returns raw data based on 'SiteCode', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'. Data returned in JSON format with one entry per datetime (wide format). |
/Hourly/Map | GET | This returns a list of the hourly maps available, along with meta data about when they were created and when they apply from. Data returned in XML format |
/Hourly/Map/Json | GET | This returns a list of the hourly maps available, along with meta data about when they were created and when they apply from. Data returned in JSON format |
/Hourly/Map/SpeciesName={SpeciesName} | GET | This returns a list of the hourly maps available, along with meta data about when they were created and when they apply from filtered by 'Species'. Data returned in XML format |
/Hourly/Map/SpeciesName={SpeciesName}/Json | GET | This returns a list of the hourly maps available, along with meta data about when they were created and when they apply from filtered by 'Species'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Hourly/MonitoringIndex/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | The returns the latest hourly air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Hourly/MonitoringIndex/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | The returns the latest hourly air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Hourly/MonitoringIndex/SiteCode={SiteCode} | GET | The returns the latest hourly air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in XML format |
/Hourly/MonitoringIndex/SiteCode={SiteCode}/Json | GET | The returns the latest hourly air quality monitoring indexes requested filtered by 'SiteCode'. The health effect of these indexes can be found in the /Information/IndexHealthAdvice feed. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/AirPollutionGuide | GET | This lists all of the air pollution guide items. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/AirPollutionGuide/Json | GET | This lists all of the air pollution guide items. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/Documentation/pdf | GET | This returns a pdf of the current API documentation. |
/Information/Groups | GET | This request returns a list of Groups in the system for use with other calls. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/Groups/Json | GET | This request returns a list of Groups in the system for use with other calls. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/IndexHealthAdvice | GET | This request returns all health advice for the General population and At-risk individuals. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/IndexHealthAdvice/AirQualityIndex={AirQualityIndex} | GET | This request matches an air quality index to health advice for the General population and At-risk individuals filtered by 'AirQualityIndex'. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/IndexHealthAdvice/AirQualityIndex={AirQualityIndex}/Json | GET | This request matches an air quality index to health advice for the General population and At-risk individuals filtered by 'AirQualityIndex'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/IndexHealthAdvice/Json | GET | This request returns all health advice for the General population and At-risk individuals. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/MonitoringLocalAuthority/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | This lists the local authorities that have air quality monitoring within London. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/MonitoringLocalAuthority/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | This lists the local authorities that have air quality monitoring within London. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/MonitoringSites/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | This lists the monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/MonitoringSites/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | This lists the monitoring sites filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/MonitoringSiteSpecies/GroupName={GroupName} | GET | This lists the monitoring sites and species filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/MonitoringSiteSpecies/GroupName={GroupName}/Json | GET | This lists the monitoring sites and species filtered by 'GroupName'. Currently the Group name would be 'London'. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/News/Skip={skip}/limit={limit} | GET | This lists all of the News items. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/News/Skip={skip}/limit={limit}/Json | GET | This lists all of the News items. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/Objective | GET | This lists all of the current Air Quality objectives. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/Objective/Json | GET | This lists all of the current Air Quality objectives. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/Species | GET | This lists all of the commonly monitored pollutants, along with their code, a description and the health effect. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/Species/Json | GET | This lists all of the commonly monitored pollutants, along with their code, a description and the health effect. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/Species/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode} | GET | This lists the commonly monitored pollutants filtered by 'SpeciesCode', along with their code, a description and the health effect. Data returned in XML format |
/Information/Species/SpeciesCode={SpeciesCode}/Json | GET | This lists the commonly monitored pollutants filtered by 'SpeciesCode', along with their code, a description and the health effect. Data returned in JSON format |
/Information/Terms/pdf | GET | This returns a pdf of the current terms and conditions for use of the API. |